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Health Guide

Health is wealth. Take a peek into our treasure trove of health articles and resources for a happier, healthier you.

Health Guide (107)

Blossoming With Age

"One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming." - Morgan Harper Nichols
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What's Your Skin's Age?

Zap out the habits that are secretly sapping away your skin’s youthful vitality!
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Glycation And How It Ages Our Skin

Love sweet treats? Better think twice before popping them in your mouth. Glycation occurs when there are excess sugars forming bonds with your body’s proteins and fats, which results in advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that may be harmful to health and skin. Read to find out more!
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Unmask Maskne

Have you been wearing a mask for long hours and as a result breaking out from it? Don’t fret, you are not alone!
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Achieve Radiant and Fairer Skin

Our skin is constantly under the mercy of many physical and environmental forces, resulting in the exacerbation of our skin. Example of such forces include poor lifestyle and dietary habits,and the sun.
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Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It is present in our muscles, skin, bones and tendons, working as a "glue" that helps hold the body together. It gives our skin strength and elasticity, and is responsible for the replacement and renewal of dead skin cells.
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Stronger Bones Are Within Your Reach

Strong bones are within our reach, but are our day-to-day activities hurting our bone health? In this article we look at some daily habits that could be affecting our bones and what we can do to keep our bones healthy and strong.
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Say Goodbye To Joint Discomfort

Our joints are often overlooked… until they start causing discomfort. The cartilage that cushions our joints will naturally wear away over time from our day-to-day activities, but there are ways that we can guard our joints to keep them healthy for years to come. Read on to find out how!
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Are You Feeding Your Bones Right?

Say Yes to healthier bones! In conjunction with World Osteoporosis Day on 20th October, learn what you need to keep your bones happy and healthy!
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Make No Bones About It

Do you know? Bones need more than just calcium to stay strong.

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Gout – An OUCH-worthy condition! Read for recommended lifestyle and diet tips to keep gout at bay.
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Looking for the right 'lotion' for your joints?

FUN FACT: Do you know the number of joints in a human body? Though there is no definite answer, the estimated number is between 250 to 300.
Healthy joints allow you to move freely and participate in all activities you love, so it is important to keep your joints healthy and strong as they allow movement and flexibility for the body. It helps our body to absorb shock, maintain balance and stability, protecting our bones and other tissues from damage.
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The Key to Healthy Joints

Joints are the connection between two bones that allow you to turn your head, bend your elbows, do the shimmy, wiggle your hips and wave goodbye.
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Find out if you are left-brained or right-brained!

Did you know that the brain is divided into two halves -- the right and left brain? Different parts of the brain have different functions, but they work together.
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Implement the 60 Seconds Change to Boost Your Productivity

What if you could boost your productivity, make the most out of your time, and skyrocket your performance in 60 seconds every day? What if you could improve your memory while protecting your brain?
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Tips To Improve Memory

“I don’t remember where I placed my phone. I don’t remember what I was saying just a minute ago. I don’t remember when the deadline was. I don’t remember…” Sounds familiar? You are not alone! It’s normal to experience bouts of forgetfulness every now and then, but there are ways to keep your memory and your brain sharp and clear. Read on the find out more!
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Love Your Brain

September is World Alzheimer's Month. Let's talk premature brain degeneration and what we must do to keep our brains sharp! Plus read more about PLASMALOGEN and how this highly researched nutrient can protect brain cells.
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Are You Maximising Your Brain?

According to the National Institute of Health, “Scientists increasingly view mental illnesses as developmental disorders that have their roots in the processes involved in how the brain matures.”
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Is the Pandemic 'Fogging Up' Your Brain?

Experts say that prolonged stress of the pandemic has had an effect on our cognitive functioning. Good news is, there are things that we can do to about it! Find out how you can stay alert and get rid of that brain fog.
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Get To Know Your Kidneys

Our kidneys play an important role in filtering out wastes and keeping the body in balance. Read to find out more about kidneys and how to keep them healthy for optimum function.
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Is Your Body In Need of Detox?

Toxin build-up can impact your cognitive and physical health, and our organs may be overworked as they help eliminate these toxins. Read to find out why detoxification is important and how you can do so.
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Reel in the Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements are popularly consumed for their omega-3 content. Omega-3 fatty acids are a vital part of cell membranes throughout the body. They are essential fats that cannot be created by the body.
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We're All Set To Win Your Heart

It’s said, “The key to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. There’s actually plenty of truth in this saying - and it applies to ALL Hearts!
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The Infamous Trio

You definitely don’t want to cross paths with these three when it comes to your health!

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The Heart Truth

World Heart Day happens on 29 September every year and since it is around the corner, we wanted to give our heart a little love and attention.
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Is Your Child Experiencing Exam Fever?

Help Your Kids Ace their exams! Time to turn your child’s frowns into smiles with these 5 simple tips!
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Have A Jelly Good Time

Who says ensuring a balanced diet cannot be fun? As your children start to grow older, it is important to set strong foundations for them to reach their maximum potential.
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Know A Picky Eater?

Picky eaters may potentially be missing out on essential nutrients and vitamins that can help them grow strong! Find out tips on how to handle picky eaters and get them to start eating right.
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Get The Scoop On Poop

Pooping less than 3 times per week? Poop is of an unusual consistency or colour? Feeling strained in your bowel movements or unable to properly empty them? Your poop can actually tell you a lot about your health.
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Worried About Holiday Weight Gain

Don’t let the guilt of this season’s festive feasting keep you from enjoying yourself. Keep weight gain at bay with these tips!
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What Makes Up Our Digestive System?

Digestion is essential to break down the food and liquids we consume daily into nutrients, before our blood absorbs and carries them to cells throughout the body.
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This Stool Shall Pass

Does Your Stomach confuse you with these Symptons?
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Beat Belly Bloat

Experiencing discomfort in your stomach? Find out more about bloating, plus tips to relieve and prevent it.
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Feeling The Burn?

Find out more about heartburn and tips on how to ease that uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest.
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How Green Are You?

Learn about the benefits of different vegetables and remind yourself about the importance of consuming sufficient greens!
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Goodbye Dry Eyes

What are dry eyes? A common condition, dry eyes occur when your eyes don’t produce enough tears, or if they produce tears that are unable to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. Read more to find out the symptoms and how you can take care of it.
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Keep Eyes Healthy At Home

Learn about the effects of prolonged digital screen time and tips to reduce your risk of digital eye strain and keep eyes healthy!
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Happy Father's Day

For all his quiet sacrifices, unconditional love, and unwavering commitment over all these years, here’s some ways to say a big THANK YOU to the Superman in our lives.
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School Holiday Struggles?

Being a parent of young children can be tough, especially during the school holidays. Their need for constant engagement and attention can take its toll, leaving you in need for energy to keep you going. If you are struggling this school holiday, read on for some survival tips!
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Your Must-Have Travel Essentials

While you navigate through all your checklists and pack all your necessities, let us take care of your health so you can enjoy your well-deserved trip whilst basking in the glow of good health! Keep yourself healthy and strong throughout your trip with these easy-peasy tips!
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Supercharge Your Life

If there is one thing that the pandemic has shown us over the past 2 years, it would be the importance of safeguarding our health. Our health is probably our most important asset in life – if we are in good health, the possibilities are endless and “the world is your oyster”.

With this in mind, we’ve rounded up 5 key health pillars to be extra mindful of in our pursuit of good health!
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Sleigh Away The Guilt Of Festive Eating

Festive season, festive gatherings and festive eating! Not to fear, here’s 7 tips on how you can sleigh festive eating this year!
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LAC Mega Antioxidant

Learn how Antioxidants fight free radicals off and boost your overall body defence with LAC Mega Antioxidant today!
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V'Day Guide 2021

It’s the season of love! With Valentine’s Day coinciding with the third day of the Lunar New Year, we might be too busy preparing for CNY celebrations to actually spend much time thinking about where and how to romance our better half this Valentine’s Day.
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Chinese New Year Cheat Sheet

LAC wishes you Gong Hei Fatt Choi! With our comprehensive Chinese New Year (CNY) Cheat Sheet, there’s no need to deprive yourself from CNY festive feasting and your favourite CNY goodies!
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New Year Goals

With 2020 being something of a party pooper, it’s now time to welcome 2021 with all the energy kept on the back burner. Let’s gear up towards a Stronger, Healthier & More Energetic New Year. Here is some #Self-Care Tips You’ll Need to Supercharge YOU!
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Gift Yourself The Best

It’s time to celebrate! LAC #TWENTY20DONE STARTS NOW.
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Keeping Foundations Strong

Our lifestyle and dietary needs evolve from adulthood through our senior years. Here are some essential tips that can help us and our loved ones age gracefully and in good health.
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Mind Your Health

Keep spirits up for the extended circuit breaker! Here are some ways you can step up to the challenge, and stay healthy physically, emotionally and mentally!
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Tips for a Stress Free WFH Experience

Going about your new work from home life can get a little daunting at first, but with a few keys to help you navigate, you can be on top of your professional game in no time! To ensure that you #abccccccathome #stressfree we have identified some situations that you might encounter while working from home and provided solutions from them. Read on to learn more!
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Mother's Day 2020

#mothersday is a special day dedicated to ALL mothers the world around. Whether we are living together with our mum or living apart from mum presently, we’ve put together a list of ideas to make Mother’s Day a special day, as it should be.
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Eat Your Vegetables

Find out why you should eat your vegetables and how to ensure that you have enough phytonutrient intake.
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Are You Naughty Or Nice?

Take our Health Quiz to find out if you’ve been naughty or nice to your health this year!
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Healthy Habits To Help You be Your Best Self

Feeling healthy and confident can help improve your overall quality of life. Here are some small steps that you can take to kickstart your journey to be your best self!
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How Much Sugar Are You Consuming?

We all love our sweet treats and desserts, but are we consuming too much sugar?
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LAC Activated Conceive For Him/Her

Specially formulated to counteract body imbalances and support reproductive health!
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Loss of Hair? Don’t Despair!

Individual hair strands losing their density and diameter, causing your hair to appear thin and weak.
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Welcome to 2023! What are your resolutions for the new year?

New year resolutions are a way to take a step forward and bring positivity to a change in your lifestyle in terms of health and happiness. It involves planning to accomplish everything in the coming year better than in the previous years so that one develops over time. However, people often fall short of reasons to hold on to their resolutions and persevere. It is usually due to having unrealistic goals or not taking anything seriously that it gets harder to accomplish as time passes. This is where the need for a simple new year’s resolution arises.
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Myth Or Fact: Travel Edition

Planning for a trip soon? Now that traveling is back in full force, and with so many advice going around, we investigate to find out the truth about some common travel beliefs so that you can go on your holiday with ease!
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Greens Vs Superfoods

Discover which of these packs a bigger nutritional punch for your overall well-being 🥦💚.

‌When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, there is a lot of buzz around superfoods and greens. These nutrient-packed foods have become increasingly popular due to their numerous health benefits. But what exactly are superfoods and greens? Which one is better for you? In this article, we'll delve into the world of superfoods and greens, exploring their differences, benefits, and potential drawbacks. We'll also look at how supplements can be a helpful addition to your diet for boosting immunity and overall well-being. Let's find out which packs a bigger nutritional punch - greens or superfoods.
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Dad's The Man!

When it comes to parenting, mums typically take centre-stage as the primary caregiver in the family, but there’s no undermining the important role that dads play in the journey of parenthood.

This Father’s Day, let’s turn the spotlight on to DADS in recognition of everything that Dad has done for us!
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Planning For A Dragon Baby in 2024?

In Chinese culture, dragon babies are revered and destined for greatness.[1] The most auspicious sign in the zodiac cycle, the dragon is a symbol of courage, wisdom, and success, qualities that many parents hope their child will possess. If you’re looking to conceive a dragon baby this year, here are 7 tips to increase your chances of success!
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The many roles of a modern-day father

Gone were the days when fathers were mainly the sole breadwinner or the family's disciplinarian. A modern father routinely takes on multiple roles - at work, he may be a colleague, a manager, a boss. At home, he may be a husband, a caregiver, a friend. And each role comes with its own set of responsibilities.
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Tips and Tricks to Help You Swallow Pills

Swallowing pills can be a real challenge for many individuals. Dry mouth, trouble swallowing, and the fear of choking can make taking your daily supplements a dreaded task. If you find yourself struggling to swallow, keep reading!
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Feeling The Post-CNY Effects?

While Chinese New Year is a joyous occasion filled with family reunions and festive traditions, the aftermath can bring about a mixed bag of emotions for many. As we can’t escape reality, understanding and overcoming these effects are crucial in your overall well-being. Here are tips and additions you can incorporate into your journey in overcoming these post-CNY effects!
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Did you know? Living life at a breakneck pace in a bustling city can increase our exposure to free radicals, which in turn leads to age-related changes such as loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles, and poor circulation!
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Daily Habits To Boost Mental Health

Mental health is a vital part of your overall health. It affects the lens you view life from and impacts all areas of your life. If you have been feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life, read on for some daily habits that you can adopt to improve your mental well-being.
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Game On!

Do you love playing video games but feel like you could be playing them better? Whether you are a professional gamer or someone who just wants to move up in rank or level in your game, there are always ways to sharpen your gaming strategies and abilities, such as watching gameplays and purchasing the newest gear. But what you might not realise is that some of your gaming habits might also be holding you back!

If gaming is one of your favorite free-time activities, you probably have a fair amount of daily screen time from the numerous digital devices that you own. However, we tend to overlook the drawbacks of spending too much time in front of the screen and how it can impact your gaming performance.
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Investigating Common Immunity Hearsays

Keeping our immunity strong has become a top-of-mind daily priority for most of us. This pandemic has reminded us of the importance in keeping our immune system in tip-top shape. We’ve come across many common sayings and beliefs when it comes to immune health – in this article, we investigate which ones are true and which aren’t. Read on!
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Myth Or Fact?

Myth or Fact? Ever wondered if eating at night will cause you to gain more weight? Or if you can repay your sleep debt by sleeping more over the weekend? In the name of truth, we investigated to debunk some common health beliefs!
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Feeling Stressed?

Stress can keep us sharp but too much can get us down. Find out how you can manage stress and take care of your mental wellbeing!
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The Most Advanced Defense Infrastructure

Fall sick easily? Feeling fatigued all the time? Here are some tips on how you can power up your immune defense!
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The ABCs Of Immunity Building

With a whole array of supplements out there claiming to boost your immunity, we thought we would return to basics and provide a breakdown of the key vitamins and minerals that can actually help rev up your immune health.
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Protect Your Health & Your Family’s Health!

A strong immunity can help prevent and fight against influenza and other pathogens.
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Power Up Your Immunity

In this season of our ‘new normal’, let's continue to ensure we keep up with essential hygiene and social distancing measures. We can also help keep ourselves and loved ones protected by strengthening our immunity! Read on to learn more.
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Don’t Let “Burnout” Eat You Up

Feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life’s demands? Find out how to recognise signs of burnout and what you can do about it.
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Zapped of Energy?

The fast and hectic pace of modern life constantly keeps us on our toes, with so many things requiring our attention within a limited time span.
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What You Need To Know About Antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. They are known to prevent cellular damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals.
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Having Trouble Falling Asleep And Staying Asleep?

Everyone knows the feeling of waking up after a good night’s rest. Like having a cold, refreshing drink on a hot day, you feel better, more alert, and ready for whatever comes your way. But if sleep has been eluding you, you might be experiencing Sleeplessness.
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Sleeping Positions For Your Health

Which side are you on? Find out interesting correlations between sleeping positions, your health, and how it can impact your quality of sleep.
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What Is Your Sleep Profile?

Most of us spend a third of our lives sleeping, which is actually necessary for us to function properly in the day and to allow our body sufficient time to rejuvenate and recharge. Pretty much like how we need to recharge our phones in order for our phones to be functional.
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Find Out Your Best Position For A Good Night Sleep!

Have you ever considered the importance of a good sleeping posture? While you may or may not have a preference, sleeping positions can impact the quality of sleep and your overall health. Here are some benefits of different sleeping positions that you can adopt and find out which position best suit you!
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The Truth about a Good Night Sleep

Singapore is one of the most sleep deprived nations in the world with almost 8 to 10 Singaporeans spending their weekends trying to repay their sleep debt. But can that actually work?
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Sleep Deprived? Don’t Sleep On It!

Are you getting enough sleep? There are many reasons why we are not sleeping enough. Read to find out the effects on sleep deprivation and tips on how to get that restful sleep you deserve!
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Sleep Better With A Healthy Liver

Poor sleep quality could be an indication of poor liver health. How does our liver health play a part in our sleep quality? Read to find out!
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Mother's Day 2021

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful gifts in life and while parenting comes with a usually unforeseen set of crazy challenges, up and downs, not forgetting to mention the occasional sleepless nights - there is nothing quite as precious as hearing your children laugh, watching their eyes light up and having them throw their arms around your neck in proud proclamation of their love!

This Mother’s Day, we celebrate all mums for their selfless devotion and love to their children and family.
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7 Amazing Facts About Women

In conjunction with International Women’s Day, we’re sharing with you 7 lesser known yet no less AMAZING facts about WOMEN!
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PMS: You Can Feel Better

There are several ways to tell when a period is due. Many people experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms before their period starts, know as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), as their hormone levels drop. With PMS symptoms affecting your daily lifestyle, understanding the signs better can be beneficial to relieving and managing them better!
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The guide to achieving your weight loss goals!

PS: It will be a successful one!

Lose weight, lose weight, lose weight! You may have heard of this or even tried this before, but it is easier said than done. Have you gone through countless times of wanting and trying to lose weight but failed? Here are some tips and tricks that can help you to lose weight.
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Can’t wait to indulge all the CNY Goodies?

Find out how many calories your favourite CNY snacks contain and how much exercise you would need to burn it off later!
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A Closer Look At Intermittent Fasting or Keto Diet

In this article, we take a closer look at two of the more popular trending diets in recent years: Intermittent Fasting vs The Keto Diet. Find out how they work and which diet might fit your health goals, lifestyle and dietary preference better!
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Understanding Sarcopenia and The Importance of Protein

Many relate protein to building muscle or “bulking”, but it is also a major component of the skin, bones and tissues and is especially important for the elderly to preserve muscle mass. Read on to find out more!
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Can't Seem To Lose Weight?

Gone through COUNTLESS diets and fitness regimes but still CAN’T achieve your desired weight loss results and dream physique? Here are some common pitfalls and ways to overcome them.
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Lose That Belly Flab

More than a “fashion inconvenience” i.e. clothes that suddenly feel a little too snug and jeans that suddenly refuse to button up; belly fat can pose more serious health implications that extend beyond one’s physical aesthetics.
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Struggling to Manage Your Weight?

Struggling to manage your weight? Here are 3 steps you can take to achieve your weight loss goals!
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We're All Set To Win Your Heart

It’s said, “The key to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. There’s actually plenty of truth in this saying - and it applies to ALL Hearts!
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The Infamous Trio

You definitely don’t want to cross paths with these three when it comes to your health!

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The Heart Truth

World Heart Day happens on 29 September every year and since it is around the corner, we wanted to give our heart a little love and attention.
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LAC launches 54 stores in Singapore

Singapore’s largest scale of brick-and-mortar store openings in the health and wellness supplements space
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New Beginnings With LAC

Today, 21 May 2022, LAC launches 54 stores in Singapore, with many more to come.
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Notice for CNY Operating Hours

Wishing everyone a prosperous Lunar New Year!
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LAC Club – Exclusively for New Member Sign-Ups

Exclusive perks & deals for new LAC Club members!
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Happy Birthday from all of us at LAC

We hope you liked your birthday gift!
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LAC Club

A loyalty programme that keeps on giving – sign up now to enjoy huge member savings, earn LAC$, and be pampered with birthday and anniversary gifts & much more!
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LAC Onboards +SABI AI

LAC is now on +SABI AI app – the industry’s first wellness and skincare marketplace that offers AI-driven curation of complementary products and services to its customers.
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Vision Of Success

As we celebrate Eye Health Month under the theme "Vision of Success," it's crucial to recognize the importance of proactive eye care. Alongside with regular check-ups and healthy habits, the use of eye supplements can further support our journey towards optimal eye health.

This July, enjoy 40% off any 3 of your eye-opening supplements today!

Don't miss out on these wonderful deals! Scroll down for more promotions and CART OUT NOW 🛒
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Maximise Your Workout

Unleash your inner athlete and take your performance to another level with our latest sport promotions today!
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Vision Of Success

As we celebrate Eye Health Month under the theme "Vision of Success," it's crucial to recognize the importance of proactive eye care. Alongside with regular check-ups and healthy habits, the use of eye supplements can further support our journey towards optimal eye health.

This July, enjoy 40% off any 3 of your eye-opening supplements today!

Don't miss out on these wonderful deals! Scroll down for more promotions and CART OUT NOW 🛒

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The many roles of a modern-day father

Gone were the days when fathers were mainly the sole breadwinner or the family's disciplinarian. A modern father routinely takes on multiple roles - at work, he may be a colleague, a manager, a boss. At home, he may be a husband, a caregiver, a friend. And each role comes with its own set of responsibilities.

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How Much Sugar Are You Consuming?

We all love our sweet treats and desserts, but are we consuming too much sugar?

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Looking for the right 'lotion' for your joints?

FUN FACT: Do you know the number of joints in a human body? Though there is no definite answer, the estimated number is between 250 to 300.
Healthy joints allow you to move freely and participate in all activities you love, so it is important to keep your joints healthy and strong as they allow movement and flexibility for the body. It helps our body to absorb shock, maintain balance and stability, protecting our bones and other tissues from damage.

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